General terms and conditions Cosmotrend BV

Cosmotrend BV
Company number: BE 0891.559.167 (Chamber of Commerce: 0891.559.167)
Address: Ringlaan 7, 9900 Eeklo

Article 1: Definitions
1.1 "Cosmo" hereinafter refers to Cosmotrend, a division of the company with limited liability Cosmotrend BV, located at Ringlaan 7, 9900 Eeklo (Belgium), registered under company number BE 0891.559.167.
1.2 "Customer" refers to the natural or legal person who engages Cosmo for the provision of services.

Article 2: Purpose of the Services and Applicability of the General Terms
2.1 Cosmo is a leading provider of multi-omics services and solutions. Cosmo offers services in the field of microbiological genome sequencing, metagenomics, nucleic acid isolation, metabolomics and bioinformatics.
2.2 These general terms and conditions (hereinafter "Agreement") apply to all offers, orders and services that Cosmo delivers or will deliver to the Customer.
2.3 Orders from the Customer shall be deemed an invitation to Cosmo to make an offer. Cosmo is free at all times not to accept an order.

Article 3: Prices and payment
3.1 All prices are exclusive of VAT and other levies imposed.
3.2 Cosmo reserves the right to increase prices in the event of rising costs.
3.3 Payment must be made prior to ordering via the payment methods available in the webshop. Cosmo will not proceed to deliver the products or services until payment has been received in full.

Article 4: Information and Samples
4.1 The Customer is responsible for providing accurate, complete and reliable information to Cosmo. Cosmo shall not be liable for any damage caused by incorrect or incomplete information provided by Customer.
4.2 Customer shall ensure that all samples for analysis are properly packaged and transported. 

Article 5: Third Parties
5.1 Cosmo may use third parties in the execution of the order. The costs of third parties will be charged to the Customer.

Article 6: Intellectual Property Rights
6.1 All intellectual property rights arising from Cosmo's services shall remain the property of Cosmo unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Article 7: Delivery Time
7.1 The stated delivery time for services is always an indication and not a deadline. If the term is exceeded, Cosmo will inform the Customer as soon as possible.

Article 8: Confidentiality
8.1 Customer is obliged to keep confidential all information received from Cosmo, unless otherwise required by law.

Article 9: Liability
9.1 Cosmo shall perform the Services with reasonable care, without a guarantee of a specific result.
9.2 Cosmo shall not be liable for indirect, incidental or consequential damages, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct. Cosmo's liability is limited to the amount paid by its insurer, or to the value of the services provided.

Article 10: Termination
10.1 Cosmo is entitled to terminate the agreement with the Customer immediately without compensation in the event of default by the Customer or in the event of bankruptcy of the Customer.

Article 11: Other Provisions
11.1 Cosmo reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Customer will be notified of any changes and is responsible for reviewing the updated conditions.
11.2 If any provision in these conditions becomes invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in force.
11.3 This Agreement is governed by Belgian law. Disputes shall be settled by the courts of Belgium (East Flanders, Ghent Division).

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