The Good, The Bad and The Ugly ...

Imagine this: inside your gut lives a whole world full of tiny creatures - the gut microbiome! And believe it or not, they do much more than just hang out! These adorable microorganisms are our little helpers working nonstop to keep you healthy. 

These microorganisms support us in the digestion of food. They help regulate our immune system and thus protect us from pathogens. In fact, the gut flora and gut wall (which contain numerous immune system cells) are responsible for 80% of the immune system. Our helpers also produce useful metabolites, such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which are vital for the healthy functioning of our bodies.

However, each individual has a unique gut microbiome, similar to a fingerprint, with differences in composition and quantity. Each individual harbors good, bad and neutral bacteria, also called 'The good, the bad and the ugly'. These must occur in the right proportion, similar to the ratio of height and weight in a BMI calculation. The various bacteria need complex interactions among themselves to function optimally.

Microorganisms interact with the host through changes in the composition of the gut microbiome and the metabolites produced. These signals can have an effect locally or through the vagus nerve to our brain. We refer to this connection as the 'gut-brain axis'. This axis works in both directions. Have you ever felt like you're "getting nothing in from the stress"? Well, you're certainly not the only one! This is a direct result of the gut-brain axis.

Our microbiome is part of our body and that is how we should look at it. Like every other organ in our body, we need to maintain our microflora so that it can work optimally. So before you put anything in your mouth, think about those friendly helpers in your gut.

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